国际期刊同行评审培训班 International Journal Peer Review Training Course
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7.2, 2019

Philip Kisray,全球新兴市场总裁,Wiley

Philip Kisray先生出生于中国香港,曾先后定居于法国和英国。1992年,Philip从巴黎搬到伦敦,开始领导Wiley在欧洲市场的业务。1998年,他又被任命为欧洲、中东和非洲区副总裁兼销售总监。在2005年至2010年期间,他负责Wiley在英国和德国的教育和专业出版业务。从2010年起,Philip荣升为Wiley国际业务发展副总裁,并开始领导和推动Wiley在欧洲、中东和非洲以及拉丁美洲的新型国际化战略。其中一个重要部分是不断提高Wiley在高增长市场和新兴市场中的参与度,领导Wiley在中东、非洲和巴西市场的业务扩展和增长。在此期间,Philip的工作重点一直都放在高等教育、在线学习、就业准备和领导力发展等业务版块上。自2016年3月以来,他的工作重心转移到亚太地区的国际业务发展。2017年开始,他正式担任Wiley全球新兴市场的总裁。Philip拥有爱丁堡大学的法语和工商管理的硕士学位,并在亨利商学院获得工商管理硕士学位。

Mr. Philip Kisray, President, Global Growth Market, Wiley

Philip Kisray was born in Hong Kong and shortly after his birth, moved to France and then the UK. While living in France, Philip attended school in England from the age of eight. After graduating, he taught English and French in Korea before joining Wiley where he has worked for 30 years. In 1992, Philip moved from Paris to England to lead Wiley’s European Sales organization and in 1998 became VP and Sales Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Between 2005 and 2010, he led its educational and professional publishing in the UK and Germany.

In 2010, he became Vice President International Development, and began leading Wiley’s new international strategy in EMEA and Latin America. An important part of this revolved around the company’s increasing engagement in high growth and emerging markets. At the center of this has been the expansion of Wiley’s activities in the Middle East, as well as Africa and Brazil, which in turn resulted in the establishment of operations in Dubai, Istanbul, Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro over the last 3 years. In this period, the emphasis has been on post-secondary education, e-learning, job readiness and the development of leadership. Since March 2016, he has also been responsible for International Development in Asia.

In 2017,he became the President of global growth market of Wiley.

Philip has an M.A. (Hons) degree in French and Business Administration from the University of Edinburgh and an MBA from Henley Business School.


José Oliveira博士,出版副总裁,Wiley

José Oliveira (欧哲)博士毕业于南非金山大学(University of the Witwatersrand)化学专业。 他于2000年获得有机物合成领域的博士学位,之后的一年在比利时安特卫普大学(Universiteit Antwerpen)做博士后研究人员。José于2001年加入Wiley,担任Angewandte Chemie 的高级编辑。2008年,他开始担任期刊Small的主编。之后,接连担任了三本新期刊的创刊编辑:Chemistry – An Asian Journal,Advanced Healthcare Materials和 Small Methods。作为Wiley中国区出版副总裁,José负责公司在中国区的所有出版相关业务。目前,他还是多所中国大学和研究机构的客座教授和荣誉专家。

Dr. José Oliveira, VP & Editorial Director, Wiley

José Oliveira studied chemistry at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa). He obtained his PhD in 2000 in organic synthesis. He worked for a year as a post-doctoral researcher at the Universiteit Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium) developing mass spectrometric techniques for analyzing trace organic contaminants in the atmosphere. He joined Wiley in January 2001 and served as Senior Associate Editor of Angewandte Chemie. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the nanotechnology journal Small since 2008, and was a founding editor of Chemistry – An Asian Journal, Advanced Healthcare Materials, and Small Methods. As Vice President and Editorial Director, China, he is responsible for Wiley’s journal publishing activities in China. He holds Honorary and Visiting Professorships at several Chinese universities and research institutes.


Miriam Maus,编辑管理副总裁,Wiley


Miriam Maus, VP & Editorial Management, Wiley

Miriam began her career in academic publishing 20 years ago as a Production Editors, since then she has held a variety of editorial and operational roles and currently leads one of Wiley’s global Editorial Departments as Vice President Editorial Management. Her team is responsible for the management of ca 600 subscription and Open Access titles, and for developing and implementing editorial strategies that support the growth of the journals portfolio by developing and expanding Wiley’s leadership position as stewards of high-quality peer review and ethics in publishing. Miriam is dedicated to ensuring continuous high-level engagement with research communities globally, particularly around our commitment to provide a superior service to authors and to evolving publishing practices so they meet the needs of future generations of researchers.


梁多多博士,副主编,Advanced Materials

梁多多,2000年和2003年在北京科技大学材料科学与工程系分别获得工学学士和工学硕士学位。之后在比利时安特卫普大学物理系从事纳米材料的电子显微学表征工作,于2007获得博士学位。在2010年加入Wiley出版社之前曾在清华大学材料科学与工程系从事博士后研究工作。目前任Wiley材料科学类期刊的编辑,负责Advanced Materials系列期刊稿件的同行评审工作。

Dr. Duoduo Liang, Editor, Wiley

Duoduo Liang studied materials science at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing, China and earned his PhD from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He joined Wiley in 2010 after finishing his postdoc at Tsinghua University. He works as a peer review editor for few Advanced Materials series journals.


徐广臣博士,副主编,Advanced Energy Materials

徐广臣在北京工业大学获得材料学博士学位,并留校担任过一年助理教授的工作。他于2011年加入Wiley编辑团队,协助创立了材料学领域的多个期刊,如Advanced Science,Small Methods等。目前,徐广臣博士是Small,Small Methods,Advanced Energy Materials三个期刊的副主编,以及Wiley中国编辑团队的副总监。

Dr. Guangchen Xu, Associate Director, China In-house Editorial Operations

Guanchen Xu joined Wiley in September 2011 as an Assistant Editor from the Beijing University of Technology, where he obtained his PhD (Materials Science) and then served as Assistant Professor for 1 year. He has been working as a Deputy Editor for Small and Advanced Energy Materials and has also contributed to the rapid growth and success of other journals in the materials science in-house editorial portfolio, such as Advanced Science. In early 2017, he, acting as the Deputy Editor, successfully launched the first sister journal of Small – Small Methods. Besides of his editorial role, he provides leadership and management for the in-house editorial team in China.


张大平博士,编辑和学会管理副总监, Wiley

张大平博士于1987年获北京大学理学学士学位,1990年获北京工业大学理学硕士学位。之后,他在北京工业大学担任了7年研究助理、讲师和团队负责人工作,并于2000年在英国泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔大学获得博士学位。在纽卡斯尔大学做了3年博后工作后,他在英国的Tripos Discovery Research Center和Resolution Chemicals Limited工作了几年,主要从事新药的研发和专利药物的生产。之后,他加入英国皇家化学学会(RSC),负责RSC在大中华地区的出版事务,并担任中国化学会与RSC合办的Frontiers系列期刊的执行编辑。2018年,张大平博士加入Wiley,担任编辑和学会管理副总监,负责Wiley与学协会合作办刊及开放获取期刊的管理工作。

Dr. Daping Zhang, Associate Director of Editorial and Society Management, Wiley

Dr Daping Zhang received his BSc in 1987 from Peking University and MSc in 1990 from Beijing University of Technology, China. Afterwards, he worked as research assistant, lecturer and team leader in Beijing University of Technology for seven years and then received his PhD degree in 2000 from University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

After three years Postdoc in University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Dr Zhang had been working in Tripos Discovery Research Center, UK and Resolution Chemicals Limited, UK for several years, focusing on R&D of new medicine and manufacturing of patent medicine. Afterwards, he joined The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) as a publisher to lead RSC publishing in Greater China before he became the Executive Editor of the Frontiers series journals collaboration between CCS and RSC. In 2018, Daping joined Wiley as Associate Director of Editorial and Society Management and takes responsibility on society collaboration and global OA journal management.




Young Wu, Senior Manager, OA and Editorial Development, Wiley

Young Wu (吴燕) is currently Senior Manager for Open Access (OA) and Journal Editorial Development at Wiley, responsible for developing OA strategy and driving OA growth in China, also shaping strategy for journal editorial development and collaborations.

Prior to joining Wiley, Young worked at Elsevier for 7 years across different STMJ departments with various positions. At Elsevier, she was responsible for journal management, editorial development and engagement, content acquisition along with launching new journals. Additionally, she was involved in training initiatives abroad, such as Elsevier Research without Borders program in Africa etc.



熊启华是南洋理工大学数理科学学院和电气电子工程学院双聘教授。美国物理学会会士。1997年本科毕业于武汉大学物理系,2000年从上海应用物理研究所获得硕士学位,2006年于宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得博士学位,师从Peter C. Eklund教授。2006-2009年在哈佛大学Charles Lieber研究组从事博士后研究。2009年初获得新加坡国立研究基金研究员项目资助并于当年6月加入南洋理工大学,任南洋助理教授。2014年获得终身教职,2016年升正教授。2014-2019年担任数理科学学院副院长主管科研和研究生教育及教职事务。熊启华教授的主要研究领域是半导体光学以及低维半导体纳米材料基于光子-声子-电子耦合作用的物理机制和量子调控。他在纳米光子学和表面等离子体学,激光制冷,以及二维半导体材料光学性质等一系列前沿课题做出了一系列有影响的工作。在《自然》及子刊, 《纳米快报》,《先进材料》等一系列国际知名杂志上发表了200多篇文章,并被世界知名杂志及大众媒体所报道,总引用次数超过9800次,H-因子59。其出色的研究获得了一些奖励和认可,比如新加坡物理学会纳米科技奖(2015),新加坡国立研究基金NRF Investigatorship奖(2014),和南洋理工大学南洋研究卓越奖(2014)等。 2018年起,担任美国光学学会旗舰杂志《Optics Express》副主编, Wiley信息材料领域新创刊杂志《InfoMat》的副主编和《半导体学报》副主编。

Prof. Qihua Xiong, Nanyang Technological University

Qihua Xiong received his B.S. degree in physics from Wuhan University in 1997, and then finished three years graduate studies at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He went to the United States in 2000 and received Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Peter C. Eklund from The Pennsylvania State University in 2006. After three years postdoctoral experience in Prof. Charles M. Lieber’s group at Harvard University, he joined Nanyang Technological University as an assistant professor in 2009 and promoted to Nanyang Associate Professor in 2014. He was promoted to full Professor in 2016. He is a NRF Fellow awarded in 2009 by Singapore National Research Foundation. He is the recipient of IPS Nanotechnology Physics Award (2015) and Nanyang Award for Research Excellence of NTU (2014). Dr. Qihua Xiong’s research is motivated by the understanding of the light-matter interactions in quantum matter by steady-state and transient optical spectroscopy. His group is notable for recent breakthrough discovery of laser cooling of semiconductors and sideband Raman cooling of optical phonons, as well as the low-frequency shear and breathing modes, and the correlated fluorescence blinking in 2D layered semiconductor materials and heterostructures. Most recently, Dr. Xiong has ventured into the field of strong light-matter interactions in 2D semiconductors and perovskite crystals, with the recent demonstration of room temperature exciton polariton Bose Einstein condensate and lasing in perovskite crystals. Dr. Xiong has published more than 200 papers, which attracted more than 9800 times citation with an H-index of 59. His outstanding achievement has been recognized by a few prestigious awards, such as IPS Nanotechnology Physics Award (2015), Singapore National Research Foundation Inaugural Investigatorship (NRFI) Award (2014) and Nanyang Award for Research Excellence by NTU (2014). Since 2018, he was appointed as the Associate Editor for Optics Express, the flagship open-access journal by Optical Society of America, Deputy Editor for InfoMat, a newly established journal dedicated to information materials by Wiley, and Associate Editor for Journal of Semiconductors. He was elected Fellow of American Physical Society in September 2018. He serves as international advisory board for many prestigious international journals, such as ACS Photonics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IoP), Science China Materials, and Nano Research, Springer.




Huiping Zhang, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration

My researches focused on the tectonic geomorphology of the Tibetan Plateau, and targeted on the interaction among tectonics, climate and geomorphology. I was sponsored by Outstanding Youth Science Fund, and elected to be member of the “Ten Thousand Talents” Plan and “Leading Talent” Plan of CEA. I have served as the Associate Editor of journal Tectonics and referee of the international publications. Associated Editor of Tectonics.



法文哲,北京大学长聘副教授,研究员,博士生导师,Journal of Geophysical Research–Planets杂志副主编。主要研究方向为月球与行星科学、微波遥感,包括理论建模、数值模拟、 数据验证、参数反演等。2009年1月获复旦大学博士学位;2009年2月至2011年6月,受法国宇航局(CNES)资助,在法国巴黎地球物理研究所从事博士后研究。2010年3–4月在美国加州理工学院喷气推进实验室(JPL)进行访问研究;2016年7–9月在英国杜伦大学物理系进行学术访问(COFUND高级访问学者);2017年11–12月受邀在法国蔚蓝海岸天文台拉格朗日实验室进行学术访问。参与了我国“嫦娥”探月工程,由“嫦娥”1、2微波辐射计数据研究了月壤层厚度与月壤温度特性,由“嫦娥”3号测月雷达数据分析了着陆区次表层结构。目前已在GRL、JGR-Planets、Icarus、IEEE GRSL、Radio Science、中国科学等国内外学术期刊发表论文40余篇。 2011年获得国家自然科学二等奖(第三完成人),2011年获得上海市优秀博士学位论文,2013年分别被科学通报、JGR-Planets评选为优秀审稿人。目前担任国际月球探测分析组极区挥发分特别行动组成员,我国“嫦娥”4号任务科学目标评估组成员。

Prof. Wenzhe Fa, Peking University

Wenzhe Fa is currently an associate professor at School of Earth and Space Science, Peking University. His main research interest includes lunar and planetary sciences, microwave remote sensing, and impact cratering. He is the author or coauthor of more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, such as GRL, JGR-Planets, Icarus, IEEE GRSL, Radio Science, and Science China. He received the Second Class National Nature Science Award of China in 2011.

He received the B. S. degree in applied physics from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2003 and the Ph. D. degree in microwave remote sensing from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France. Since August 2011, he is an assistant professor in School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China. He was a visiting scientist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech from March to April in 2010, a COFUND senior visiting scientist at department of physics, Durham University, from July to September in 2016, and was a visiting scientist at Laboratoire Lagrange, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, from November to December, 2017.

Dr. Fa currently serves as the Associate Editor for Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. He is a regular reviewer for many international journals, such as Nature Geoscience, JGR-Planets, Icarus, IEEE TGRS, IEEE GRSL, Science China. He received AGU Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, and excellent reviewer for Science Bulletin in 2013.


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